Petro Government: The proposals of the splicing committee for the first 100 days

Suspend the francking tests, promote the Escazú Agreement and advance in the peace talks with the National Liberation Army (Eln).

The beginning of the government of Gustavo Petro is getting closer and the junction between his committee and that of Iván Duque for the transition of power has already ended. The delivery and presentation by sectors of the findings of how the country is doing left some conclusions about what will be preserved in 2022-2026 and what will definitely not be in the new mandate. The inspection also left a series of proposals that the new administration would have to implement in its first 100 days to channel the country and develop its government plan in the best way.

The issue of Health is the first thing on the list of priorities presented by the Petro committee in the delivery of the report. According to the document, the main thing will be to decide the future of the Health Provider Companies (Eps), taking into account whether or not they fully fulfill their functions. Likewise, they will seek the "implementation of the preventive and predictive model" of health and the "implementation of shock interventions in prioritized public health problems", these being maternal, infant and malnutrition mortality.

On the other hand, the issue of the fight against corruption will be one of the pillars that could consolidate Petro's mandate, since his committee proposes that, with the help of the UN, "the International Commission Against Impunity in Colombia" be established. Likewise, they plan to publicize the agendas of "senior executive officials and ask the congressmen of the government caucus to join this initiative." Finally, they recommend that an inventory of lobbyists be made, this, as they explain, is in order to "advance transparency processes."

Environment and Education, says the committee, will also play a leading role in the Petro mandate, since, according to them, the president will stop the fracking pilots that are currently being carried out in Puesto Wilches (Santander) and will implement the Escazú Agreement, approved on July 26 this year. Likewise, in the first 100 days of his mandate, Gustavo Petro would have to seek agreement between the Nation and the State University System (SUE), to strengthen public universities.


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