False results of the elections are known on the platform of the Registrar's Office

 Internet users accuse possible electoral fraud and the Registrar denies having uploaded information on the results of the presidential votes.

Just one day before the election day in Colombia, the country woke up with a stir due to some images and videos that show an alleged electoral fraud by the Registrar. In the images, reported by Twitter users, you can see the results of the votes, which have not yet taken place, and which give Rodolfo Hernández the winner.

The information that appears in the video shows results by region and in general, on what appears to be a platform with simulation or test data from the Registrar's Office. At the end of the night of Friday the 17th, the candidate Gustavo Petro uploaded to his Twitter account the video shared by Internet users, accompanied by the phrase "Let the Registry explain."

For its part, the Registry denied that these videos correspond to data uploaded by said entity. "Faced with the publication of videos and images where figures appear prior to the vote for the second round of the presidential election, the National Registry of Civil Status informs that the entity does not carry out simulations or statistical projections on results," he assured.

However, a magistrate from the National Electoral Council told CNN that they confirmed to him that a contractor made a simulation. “The Director of Information Technology at the Registrar's Office told me. They did it in the Press Room of the Registrar's Office, although the official statement from the Registrar's Office attempts to deny that information,” said Luis Guillermo Pérez, who added that the video is real and that he, as a CNE magistrate, corroborates it.

It should be noted that the media outlet CNN included a widget for the first round on its website that was connected to the results platform of the Registrar's Office. This means that the results that were uploaded to the entity were automatically displayed in the communication portal. Before the published images, Internet users realized that the false results were also updated on CNN, which means that the information did come from the Registrar's Office, although it denies it.


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